Here in the Karnage Wrestling Federation, things can get a bit extreme. We do some very graphic and violent things. If you find violence, foul language, or blood offensive, leave now. Or, do what we suggest, and just pretend it isnt there.

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Karnage Wrestling Federation

This page shows KWF from latest to old. It also gives info on the next big KWF show.

Videos, Tee Shirts, and more to come!

KWF...3D??KWF....We are the Derranged, we are the Demented, we are the Distorted ---------------- Derranged, Demented, Distorted.... KWF = 3D

See KWF on The Backyard Wrestling Link! Just go and click K.

1. Ravage
2. House Shows
3. Pay Per Views

The KWF has had

ABC discredits pro wrestling
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